Why Kubernetes Developer Ecosystem Needs A PaaS - Forbes

Platform as a Service (PaaS) was one of the first delivery models of the public cloud. If Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) gave control to administrators, PaaS squarely targeted the developers through simplicity, productivity and scale. 

In 2008, Google launched App Engine, a platform that enabled developers to deploy and scale Java web applications. Amazon added Elastic Beanstalk to its compute infrastructure in 2012 as a PaaS offering. Windows Azure, the initial avatar of Microsoft's public cloud, was all about PaaS. Only in 2013, Azure got support for Linux and Windows VMs to deliver a full-blown IaaS.  

The last decade saw the rise of PaaS in the form of Cloud Foundry, Heroku, Engine Yard, and Red Hat OpenShift.  

The most significant promise of PaaS was the ability to bring source code and walking away with a URL pointing to the application. Developers never had to worry about provisioning the infrastructure, installing the OS, or configuring and securing the infrastructure. They just "pushed" the code leaving the rest to the platform. 

PaaS would also scale-in and scale-out the application automatically without manual intervention. This approach freed developers from dealing with everyday operations giving them more time to focus on the code than infrastructure. PaaS led to continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), which has become the norm today. Advanced deployment techniques such as blue/green deployments, version switching, canary releases were all made possible by PaaS. 


The democratization of containers led by Docker and the rise of Kubernetes changed the dynamics of the modern infrastructure and platforms. Containers quickly became the fundamental unit of deployment and Kubernetes emerged as the orchestrator to manage tens of thousands of containers. Soon the public cloud providers started to offer managed Kubernetes offering, Containers as a Service (CaaS) which became an alternative to IaaS and PaaS.

With Kubernetes gaining popularity, PaaS has embraced Kubernetes to enable developers to reuse the building blocks - the containers. App Engine Flex, Azure App Service, Cloud Foundry and OpenShift can run containerized applications.

Red Hat was one of the first platform companies to realize the power of Kubernetes, which resulted in OpenShift becoming a fully compliant and conformant Kubernetes distribution for enterprises. 

Unlike IaaS, where only administrators and operators were expected to build and provision virtual machines, Containerization brought the responsibility of packaging the code and building the container images to developers. If the application is deployed to Kubernetes, developers are also forced to learn the building blocks of the orchestration engine to wrap container images in pods, deploying them and then exposing them as services. 

With containers and Kubernetes, the line between development and operations gets completely blurred. Irrespective of the persona - developer or operator - every team member is expected to learn everything about the infrastructure and application lifecycle management. 

Thanks to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) managing the open source project, and the vibrant ecosystem, Kubernetes has been standardized to expose well-defined APIs. The documentation and resources made the technology accessible to a large number of developers and operators. Unlike PaaS, Kubernetes brought extreme clarity and transparency to application lifecycle management. 

But, one thing developers miss in Kubernetes is the simplicity of PaaS. Let's consider the Cloud Foundry workflow for deploying an application.

Once the developer tested the app in his local machine, he would simply invoke the command-line tool to deploy the application and the associated configuration. Behind the scenes, Cloud Foundry does everything from provisioning the compute resources, launching or associating additional services such as databases and cache, and finally, handing over a URL of the application to the developer. 

In Kubernetes, it all starts with packaging the code into a container image, which is further wrapped into a pod or a deployment object. Additional services such as databases follow the same workflow. The developer needs to create a configuration map and a secret for the web app to securely talk to the database. To persist the database records, she also needs to create volumes and volume claims. Finally, the database is exposed as an internal service to the web application while the public-facing app is hooked to a load balancer. 

As you can see, the developer deals with over a dozen Kubernetes objects to configure and deploy a simple two-tier web application. 

It is not just the long-wound deployment process and the steep learning curve, but the real concern is how much the developer needs to understand before deploying an app. In a traditional IaaS or PaaS environment, a majority of this would be handled by operators. 

Kubernetes doesn't clearly distinguish between developers and operators. Irrespective of the persona, every user is expected to know the inner workings of the orchestration engine.

The cloud native ecosystem clearly understands this challenge. The platform vendors have taken three different approaches to add platform capabilities to Kubernetes.

The first approach is building an open source application platform powered by Kubernetes. Red Hat is one of the first platform companies to adopt this strategy. OpenShift, the most popular container platform, added robust application lifecycle management to Kubernetes. It mimics the PaaS workflow through an integrated container builder, image registry and application router. 

The second mechanism is porting existing PaaS to Kubernetes while maintaining compatibility with the tools and workflow. Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes went through this route to bring the familiar PaaS workflow to developers. 

The third approach builds an opaque layer on top of Kubernetes that entirely hides the orchestration engine's underpinnings. Render.com and DigitalOcean App Platform are examples of this implementation. 

But, each of these approaches has its own challenges and limitations. Red Hat OpenShift and its community counterpart, OKD, are too heavy to install. You would need at least five machines to run a basic hello world application on OpenShift. Cloud Foundry is relatively new for cloud native developers. It has the potential to become the preferred platform layer, but it's too early to arrive at this conclusion. Commercial PaaS implementations like Render.com and DigitalOcean App Platform are not open source and portable.

Some of the key contributors of Kubernetes have built various building blocks that make it easy to create a platform. Google, IBM, VMware and Red Hat contributed to Knative, an open source project that brings the serverless and event-driven platform to Kubernetes. Microsoft is working on Distributed Application Runtime (DAPR) and Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) to simplify the development, deployment and scaling cloud native applications. 

Knative, Dapr and KEDA are not full-blown PaaS implementations. Instead, they are the foundation for building platforms on top of Kubernetes. For example, Google Cloud Run, a serverless container platform, is based on Knative. But, Cloud Run is not an open source project which is exclusive to Google Cloud. 

With the line between development and operations getting blurred, cloud native developers need an abstract layer that simplifies application lifecycle management.

There is a clear opportunity to build a portable, consistent, developer-friendly platform for Kubernetes. The developer ecosystem needs a choice of open source, cloud native PaaS implementations that can be installed in any Kubernetes cluster, including managed CaaS in the public cloud or on Minikube running on a laptop.



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